
Showing posts from November, 2023

Too much to title this entry.

  I've only updated this blog once this year. There comes a point where I think what more is there to say? I feel the same as I did when I started writing. I was encouraged to write a blog in the hope that putting everything down in words and sharing it would ease the huge weight that is grief and it could possibly help other people. Has it eased the weight? Not really although I do hope it has helped other grieving mums, and anyone else, who are finding it hard to put into words their feelings. What it does help with is keeping my darling Dominics memory alive. I will do anything I can to keep him alive in one way or another and talking about him makes me feel closer to him. I thought after losing Dominic that the hardest thing I would have to cope with thereafter would be the immense grief and getting through each day. I never realised that this grief affects everything I do. I feel like I'm going mad... Most days I feel like I'm living in some parallel existence wher...