What once was....
Well.... August and September have passed and with them has gone all the painful anniversaries and Dominics 'forever 25' birthday. Despite that I still have a constant lump in the back of my throat and tears are constantly just behind my eyes waiting to fall. Everything around me wherever I am is a painful reminder of what was but is no more. I know I will never willingly go North/North East of Norwich again. I find it hard going to Norwich to see Emily. There are too many painful memories. It's doubtful that I will ever go to any Centerparcs again. Again too many painful memories despite these ones being happier. I will never again holiday in Eastbourne, Bognor or Weymouth and there are a few other places I will avoid. These places were special because Dominic was there and now he won't be. The gap is just too large without him. I look at all the photos of my children and think of how they were at the age they were in the photos. In Dominics photos, especially the b...