
Showing posts from January, 2020

A prayer....

After he had a bad case of pneumonia, I had been told in February 2017, that Dominic was at end of life by a consultant at Queens square who cared for Dominic's Duchenne. Dominic hadnt long been out of hospital and it can take months to recover so he still wasnt himself and was still quite breathless. The consultant wrongly thought this was because of the DMD. Thank God, then, that it wasnt. Anyway...It was enough for me to go into the mourning process then and my Doctor organised counselling. It helped as the counsellor was lovely. Today I started counselling with her again.....this time in the most tragic of circumstances. Today we only skimmed the surface really. The next session will be a tough one. Discussing Dominic and his end of life. I then dropped two pouches off that I had knitted for orphaned joeys and other critters to go to Australia. On the way back to pick Ben up from school, I decided to go into St Stephen's church, where Dominics old school, Watling Vi...

A bad day

Like the title says....Today has been bad. I'm typing this out on my phone looking through swollen eyes. My vision is blurred and to be quite honest the temptation to throw my phone,or something else, at the wall and scream is over powering at times. I feel so ill... My chest hurts ( I have another infection), I'm breathless and I have another uti. I got out of bed at 1.30pm and I've spent all day in a dizzy state. I've had test after test since my hysterectomy two years ago as I've not been right since then. I developed pneumonia after the operation and, on top of that and recovering from the op , they discovered they had made a hole in my urethra so I had the second op in 7 days and came out of hospital with a catheter for two weeks afterwards. I opted to have a hysterectomy due to the fact that I kept ending up in day surgery as I kept experiencing unnatural bleeding. Because my Mum had died of cervical cancer they didnt want to take any chances. The bleed...


I have put a link on this page for Duchenne UK which tells you everything you need to know about the condition. It also has a donate section if you would like to help fund research to beat this evil disease. Below is a summary about DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy, sometimes shortened to DMD or just Duchenne, is a rare genetic disease. It primarily affects males, but, in rare cases, can also affect females. Duchenne causes the muscles in the body to become weak and damaged over time, and is eventually fatal. The genetic change that causes Duchenne — a mutation in the  DMD  gene — happens before birth and can be inherited, or new mutations in the gene can occur spontaneously. Duchenne is caused by a genetic mutation  that prevents the body from producing dystrophin, a protein that muscles need to work properly. Without dystrophin, muscle cells become damaged and weaken. Over time, children with Duchenne will develop problems walking and breathing, and eventually the ...

Dominic - From birth to diagnosis

When Dominic was born I was a single mum. Dominic wasnt planned and I had been working in Cyprus when I fell pregnant. I came home to the UK after being unable to work through things with his Father who is Cypriot. From the minute I found out I was pregnant I knew this little being was going to change my life and when I laid eyes on him in the early hours of August 23rd 1994 I was in love. My sister, Lynn, who was at the birth felt the same.. She also had a special relationship with Dominic. He was beautiful and the nurses on the maternity ward in Watford kept asking to hold him and would do their rounds with him in their arms. (Dominic arrived 5 days early and he left us on his due date 25 years later.)   A DAY OLD DOMINIC Dominic was a very hungry, colicky baby and I was convinced that his crying and discomfort meant he was seriously ill. My health visitor would scold me saying that he was a healthy,beautiful boy and to stop worrying as I would make myself ill....

My first post

I'm starting my first post here which is scary. I've never done a blog before and only decided to do it as my friends niece started one after losing her baby.My friend thought it may help me with my grief to write my feelings down so here I am. I'm so up and down emotionally and I am finding day to day life tough. It is unrecognisable now Dominic's not here. The dynamics at home have changed hugely and me, Jamie, Vanessa,Emily and Ben are all trying to plod through each day in our own ways. Each time Dominic's bedroom door opens or each time I hear any noise remotely sounding like Dominic I forget for a moment. For that instant life is as it should be...with him in it. Then I remember and my whole World crashes down again. As I've spent hours trying to navigate this page I'm going to leave this blog for now. I'm hoping to explain more about Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy at some point, and write about Dominic's life and bits of mine and my family...